I’m coming out of another one of those periods where I’ve drew or doodled very little (all the other projects on the go until now!), but as always I got my mojo back in the nick of time, it seems. :)
Same old stuff here for now!
Some folks in this world tend to get a kick out of their more negative impulses and for all sorts of trivial reasons. Had to crank out something in response to my thoughts on the matter here! On a lighter note, any excuse to draw an irrawaddy dolphin is a good one...:)
Reflecting on the current pandemic, only to realise things this time last year gave plenty of us something to gripe about too...
How times seemed simpler then.
DoodleSchmoodlez 25th Nov. = creature doolding - which, as u've invented 'em no one can say u've fucked up :) !!https://www.instagram.com/doodleschmoodlez/
Hi dudes, no proper doodle post 2day coz it's my day off... plz come back 2moro. Peace, Love, Art 'n' Hugs 4 Every1 Everywhere :) !! https://artdavidmeehan.blogspot.com/p/e.html
Hi girlz, guyz 'n' inbetweeniez
Welcome to DoodleSchmoodlez...
i just love doodling b4, after, during, instead of work :) !!
Saw this missing cat poster whilse out running errands the other day which started off with the sentence "Answers to Esme", and those words have been circling around in my head ever since. Naturally, the end product here had little to do with the finished artwork!