Thoughts of my cousin’s memorial weekend, among other things, informed this piece… also, ‘lystenning’ is a beautiful word, eh?
Travelling whales.
Autumnal narwhals! Also, Kirby’s made a pal…
Whales and witches.
A few years ago this little guy showed up. He started appearing in my doodles as encouragement. Always defending, never judging. He is the side of my brain that tells me everything is going to be OK. He builds me up, which is why I named him Buil.
What I think to myself every time I’m coming up for a name for all my art… no joke!
All set to blast off into the final frontier…
Let’s hope…
Bob Ross wisdom time!
Had to sneak in a Barbie and Oppenheimer reference in here!
Words of wisdom from Lando himself, as well as washi tape my girlfriend provided me with, are fuelling my creative side today :-)
Kirby = an essential lucky mascot for art club adventures. :-)
The occult comes to the sea.
Dinosaurs and shark attacks all in one here!
As it was…
Tuesday = art club madness! And much needed too.
Narwhals and their fellow tusked lot unite at last!
Well I have my ways, but you get the point.
I’m no anti-natalist, that much is true, but a proud non-parent I am nevertheless… heheheh!
That wraps up May, almost!
Whale shark wanderings…
It’s a coffee and whale song kind of day (as per usual).
Sunny daze and Animal Collective inspired, this is.
Finally decompressing from a busy period so on that note, drawing time has returned!
Spooky sharks, yet again.