Ten days back (April 7th) was my 30th birthday! Been up to my eyeballs in photography projects since then and only just got some breathing space to draw... always good to be back after a break, however big or small.
I am excited to announce my world of character is coming to the Sandbox games. I am working on a game called Imaginarium! with Tempest Studios and the game is officially backed and supported by the Sandbox as part of their creators fund. Set for release this Summer! Follow us on twitter and discord. You can find all links at PlayImaginarium.com Visit Mochi and Doodle dog soon in my RPG game!
I keep coming back to this Vice headline I saw and took a screenshot of this time last week, which inspired the title of this piece. Seems like a relevant metaphor to me (and others I know) for so many reasons right now! Thankfully nothing too traumatic in my case...
Currently reading ‘Nina Simone’s Gum’ by Warren Ellis at long last. What a phenomenal bit of work this is, and inspiring to boot most importantly as you can see. Thanks for sharing your stories with us all Warren!
Many years back, I watched that documentary ‘The Boy Whose Skin Fell Off’ about a fellow called Jonny Kennedy who lived with the skin condition EB. There’s a bit in that film where he talks about what he hopes his afterlife would be like and, for whatever reason, a couple of coffees as I was re-reading the Wikipedia article about it triggered an idea I had to scribble down...