Cont. to work on BnW illustrations, I wanted to focus on making the reflections have a realistic quality. I struggle with clouds, but I felt I was most refined here. My BnW's seem to have so much more life and expression than my paintings. I'd love to hear your thoughts.
So, my sister asked if I would draw her unborn baby as a movie monster to hang in the nursery. She loves the Thing from 1982. This is what I delivered. Apparently, I went a little too disturbing for a baby's room haha gonna have to go another route. The small photo is from her ultrasound
Part of a personal project I'm working on right now, to experiment with unfamiliar art styles and practice lettering skills by drawing animals. This is my first foray into cubism-inspired artwork (definitely don't claim to be an expert on actual cubism)--it was way more fun than I expected! I think I'll be trying some more...