I told my boys, "That's you, you and you." They paused for a moment, pointed at the hot dog, and asked, "Well... Who's that?" ... "That's your baby sister." -- Ink and watercolor on 5x5 Arches cold press.
Something a little different than my normal work. I just started a tattoo apprenticeship so I am learning to draw in traditional tattoo flash style. My old style of illustration work will not go anywhere. I am continuing that but just growing artistically and learning something new.
He sits up in his teacup with his hands wrapped 'round a porg,
Thinking up new ways to join forces with the Borg.
To eradicate the Rebels by infecting them with spores,
And assimilate the hive mind to become one with the Force.
"If MF DOOM was a fox, he’d pro’ly steal a kid and lock it up in a box. But not to do it harm... More to save it from a life of working on a farm.
He’d do that kid a favor. He would save her. Just what you would expect from a friendly rapping neighbor."
I took my Cultural Safari sketchbook class to the Nelson Atkins Museum of Art today. My sketch of The Virgin and Child, ca. 1350, France, Limestone Sculpture.
This comic came out of a conversation I’m having with a friend. We both found it fascinating that so many comedians and creatives come from broken and dark places. Robin Williams said, “I think the saddest people always try their hardest to make people happy because they know what it’s like to feel absolutely worthless and they don’t want anyone else to feel like that.”
Wow! I was invited to spend the day in the recording studio drawing the creation of a jazz album. I will be going back to my studio to create the album cover art for the project. Included are few photos of my process drawings from the session. It was an amazing experience to spend time with these incredible musicians. I will share the final results at a later date.
I was fortunate enough to to take my sketchbook class to observe medical students dissect donor cadavers. These donors gave there bodies to science to further our knowledge of the human anatomy and to train our future doctors. We worked alongside the med students and anatomy fellows. It was a humbling and fascinating experience.
It's Weinerman Sam with his weiner schnitzel fam,
Putting sausages to bed like a good fam-i-ly man.
Doing ev'ry thing he can just to get them into bed,
For a restful night of sleep in a warm bun made of bread.