Another page of my travelbook, made with gel ink pen for a future art book about mediterranean way of life. Here a woman enjoying a coffee on an italian terrasse
Alas. Alas.
Definitely need to use this word more often. Alas, I don’t have a lot of opportunities to do so.
From Favorite Folktales from Around the World by Jane Yolen.
This stranger gives the child a loving look, and says to the mother, “We don’t act fairly by one another; I cuddle your child, but you beat my husband.”
Recent commission: How do women move forward when doors are continually closing in front of them? Doors that were open in the past are now being closed by those who think that you should live your life the way they do even though your life situation is vastly different from theirs. 2022, 13” x 19” Ballpoint Pen on Paper, Digital. Model: AmyM