Sea Turtle...and Peppa Pig. This drawing was a gift for a friend of mine who loves Peppa. When I gave it to her, she saw Peppa after looking for only about three seconds. I couldn't believe it.
This was for a Kinokuniya tote bag contest but it was inspired by a whole host of things. I have included some of my favorite book characters in the doodle as well as some folklores from Japan and China. Can you recognize them and the book characters?
It's National Toasted Marshmallow Day so this painting seems fitting. What do you think will happen to this guy? About 14 x 14 inches, acrylic on wood board. Sorry not the best photograph.
Bee friendly plants you can cultivate, protect or care if you see them anywhere. There are many native flowers, herbs, vegetables and fruit trees that help pollination, the ideal is to grow species free of agrochemicals and pesticides.
Here is a pencil drawing of actress Charlize Theron. I used Cold Greys and black from the Faber Castell Polychroms range of color pencils on Strathmore Bristol Smooth (series 300) paper. Many thanks for looking