Fun with gouache! While I was painting this, I learned that "scumble"/"scumbling" are words used to describe the action of dry brush painting, so my detective's name is Scumbles.
Acrylic gouache on MDF, approx 4x6". Part of an experiment: what if I painted the inside of a picture frame (ie, the inside of the backing board)? Result: it actually works really well!
Hi, here is a new pet portrait I've done recently. 6x8” Watercolour, gouache on paper. if you like this follow me at Thanks!:D
So this painting began as a simple project and ended up for sale at a coffee shop. I found out recently it actually sold, making it the first official painting I've sold.
I stated with a rough pencil sketch then inked it with a brush pen and colored it with watercolor and gouache on a watercolor postcard. Reference I used was this excellent photo - photo by Mike from
Elias Rosenshaw 12/1/2023 (Taken 11/30/2023)
Filtered photography bordered with layers of gouache with poster & dot matrix filters. Wall design created by my mother with paint marker on acrylic paint.
April has truly started off on a high note: 3 days of warm weather (a rare occurrence in an early Chicago spring), I finally did double-backs to the floor at gymnastics, found out I won a few art contests, and I got my first COVID vaccine! It's nice to have things starting to work out, even if it is just temporarily.