What inspired me with this piece was an enchanted forest. The purple trees and pinkish leaves plus the somewhat colorful grass (capturing it with my camera was a little tough but its a mix of forest and deep green with some blue) and the shrooms made me think of a kind of air of mysticism and fantasy. The Elk is one of my favorite animals and I feel has a regal presence almost in it. I thought about adding more vegetation but I was afraid of adding too much. What do you think? ^^
Its funny because this was my first painting and looked very different. Just a bunch of green and a little sky blue blended in that looked like nothing to me. I ultimately gave up on it but revisited it about 2-3 weeks later and turned it into a night sky with rushing water flowing through two trees into a forest. I used a palette knife for most of it which was new for me as well ^^ hope you like. Debating on touching it up a bit...
Dew drop flowers - Watercolour and gouache. 7" x 10" Cold press watercolour paper. April 26, 2020. I've been trying to improve my skills with this medium.
Taking this pic was challenging finding the right light for the moon and the stars pop up more imo and my frog was hard to color but I love how the lake came out with the shines from the moon and fireflies. I even took the time to paint some tall grass and reeds in the background ^^ hope you like!
Gouache painting. I've been trying to paint more abstract references quickly and loosely, but I'm finding it a struggle. I'll keep trying. I finally got around to scanning this. This was painted May 15, 2020.