After forcing myself through some long lasting 100 layer paintings, just doing a quick two day one feels refreshing. I will hang this one on the wall, but for the bigger version im gonna make a more natural looking fox cub.
"My possibly late husband never learned to appreciate modesty and humbleness, im afraid." Being married to a pirate in the kings service comes with a lot of material perks, but makes it difficult to host a fine ladies party. im just glad to have finnished, i sat for three days painting patterns.
This was inspired by the artwork of AnneliesDraws. She has an amazing skills with gouache and colored pencils. I don't have gouache paints and so I tried making an illustration using my watercolor paints. I tried increasing the opacity of the watercolor to almost the same as of the gouache paints.
By the way, this is her instagram:
You know when you start a picture, get sick long enough to get out of the flow and it now feels like an never ending project? Im so done with this one, it doesent help how many flaws im gonna spot when i get better, im SO DONE! If anyone wonder about the motive, its about making sure cinderella dont get poisoned before her wedding. All the paintings done in this style is gonna be about keeping cinderella alive.