This colorful painting was created using gouache paint to give an illustrative design feel. The subject is a cow painted using non-local colors like pink and violet, contrasting the orange sky background. I love the small clover flower the cow appears to be smelling in the foreground of this piece. For more in my gallery, please visit!
Gouache on paper, this was my second time using gouache, I’m pretty happy with the medium! And will do more gouache paintings whenever I’m not doing oil
Another work created in Lockdown in Berlin. Drawn on a piece of drafting paper from an ingenieering student in Leipzig, 1923. Like the cellar it was found in, it expresses a longing to be outside. A longing to feel of use, a job to go to or someone to visit. It is confusion and patience drawn out thin and ready to snap at any moment.
Mostly wet on wet technique and then wet on dry for the white paint. I used a Mont Marte Round 2 brush and Reeves watercolor paint tubes.
Also concocted my very own magic watercolor paint that made the black background somewhat similar to gouache.
I learned this painting from one of the best artists named Maria Raczynska.
I started with watercolor and watercolor, but then realised I needed a more opaque black and switched to gouache, acrylic and brush pens for the final touches. Most of the original looseness was lost after that, however he looks more accurate now I think.