These illustrations are part of an ongoing series on anxiety I started in early April 2018, as part of #The100DayProject. (See @helloanxiety_illustrated on Instagram to see more complete stories of each individual). This project is an extension of the fear illustrations I've been creating since 2012 (www.fear-illustrated).
Following the daily painting challenge with Lisa Congdon over at CreativeBug though I haven't quite managed to keep up daily. Still, it's wonderful picking the brush up again and splashing around with paint!
April has truly started off on a high note: 3 days of warm weather (a rare occurrence in an early Chicago spring), I finally did double-backs to the floor at gymnastics, found out I won a few art contests, and I got my first COVID vaccine! It's nice to have things starting to work out, even if it is just temporarily.
Taking this pic was challenging finding the right light for the moon and the stars pop up more imo and my frog was hard to color but I love how the lake came out with the shines from the moon and fireflies. I even took the time to paint some tall grass and reeds in the background ^^ hope you like!
Its funny because this was my first painting and looked very different. Just a bunch of green and a little sky blue blended in that looked like nothing to me. I ultimately gave up on it but revisited it about 2-3 weeks later and turned it into a night sky with rushing water flowing through two trees into a forest. I used a palette knife for most of it which was new for me as well ^^ hope you like. Debating on touching it up a bit...
Gouache on paper, this was my second time using gouache, I’m pretty happy with the medium! And will do more gouache paintings whenever I’m not doing oil
Painting, drawing, crayoning, markering (I just made that word up)'s always more fun when a child is involved, even when they purposefully color over a character. It adds character to the character, no?
In memory of the great John Lewis. (1940-2020)
Original ink and watercolor portrait painting on Strathmore 500 Series 4-ply Bristol illustration paper.
Signed by the artist. Unframed.