I used to doodle on caps back in 2010 and haven’t drawn on any for a few years, upon request I am creating some for an exhibition. I used white acrylic as a base before drawing using permanent ink pen.
Congrats to anyone else who took part in inktober this year! I focused on combining witches inspired by different types of teas and I had so much fun! I’m conquering my irrational fear of side profiles and I think it’s working, I’ve been really liking side profiles lately and finding them easier to do. I experimented on this piece with adding freckles (they’re a feature in all of my inktober sketches but I haven’t liked how freckles have looked when I’ve dotted them in with a pen or brush) and uh, I guess it was kind of a success? Next time I’ll use my lighter shading colour for them, as I used the ink I use for my lines and it turned out really dark and concentrated, but I think they’re cute! (and I have ink sprays everywhere)
This is one of my daily contributes to the 100 days project. I am doodling over a fashion magazine and documenting my journey on Instagram. Anyone of you are participating to this challenge?
The jarring moment when you are asked a thoughtless question. The decision to respond appropriately and proportionately that protects yourself versus answering in a manner that protects the status quo.
Beyoncé is an amazing entertainer and such a loud and powerful voice in not just music, but activism. Her new visual album for her album The Gift is called Black is King. I highly recommend it.