I'm compiling simple slapdash 5 min. drawings of people + sharing their story.
Book 1 = story behind your name
If u wanna be drawn plz get in touch
10€ a drawing
Dave +351 969 534 520
This is a submission for my digital art group…completed in procreate. The challenge this week is “linear and outline art”
My understanding is that outline art/contour line drawing uses only lines to define outer edges of shapes/objects. The process of outlining provides the structure for the composition.
I will print this outline drawing and then use my graphite and/or charcoal pencils (TBD) to complete the drawing...once I finish the project I'll post again.
You’ll see a “hint” of a person on the path…that’s me.
Another one of these tiny canvas doodles. I stenciled out the eyes and teeth and used acrylic makers to color. Then finished up with a brush pen. These are a fun challenge
My Sketch Book drawings = 15€ :) 36 x 27.5cm - shape seems to change coz photos have been cropped https://facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.1222732179673725&type=3 https://artdavidmeehan.blogspot.com/p/c.html +351 969 534 520 artdavidmeehan@gmail.com