This piece is inspired by Mental Health Awareness Week that’s just left us.
Belated and as cryptic as things might be (as usual) here in Bleu’s world, better late to the party than never right?
Practice in crosshatching and drawing skulls in black ink pen, its not perfect but we are getting there folks!
Also, special thanks to fellow doodle addict ❀Misti❀ for her awesome crosshatching tutorial, girl you are awesome!
This was originally meant to be a watercolor doodle intended for the weekly drawing prompt with "coffee" but didn't quite turn out the way I expected it to. Decided to just submit it into my regular gallery instead. I really like the way the froth on the top of the cup came out. Looks tasty ^^
Narwhals it seems, and I’m sure I’ve said this before, are a perfect remedy for art blocks I'd say. Wasn’t going anywhere last night, that is until I gave things another go and this fellow here saved the day!
Graphite and Watercolor. I enjoy making the splatter watercolor marks and I find myself attempting to add them to drawings that it doesn't really go with. lol oh well.
A dapper gentleman. 10” x 15” Original ink and watercolor illustration on Strathmore 500 Series 4-ply Bristol illustration paper.
Signed by the artist. Unframed.
My first attempt at drawing a piece inspired by the art in my favorite childhood book series Scary Stories to tell in the dark. I am actually rather happy with this piece even though some details are a bit off. Comments and critique always welcome. ♡♡