A 45 minute drawing of some old tombstones. Done in pencil, graphite powder, charcoal powder and used a kneaded eraser to create effect, also edited digitally.
This line from the Stephin Merritt episode of the 'She's A Talker' podcast (referring to Stephen Sondheim plot-lines) got my imagination ticking in overdrive
As we approach the end of winter, who knows where we’ll end up next? Still cautiously optimistic here...
As long as there’s stuff to inspire us all, it can’t be all that bad?
Still the same concept I've been working through for a while, but trying to dig a little deeper. I had a 1:45 min flight and I worked on this the whole time (minus turbulence).
Five 40 foot + trees went down around my house back in October 2012. Since 1994 I have lost as many trees on my property as there had been present when I bought the house. Sheesh.
My first attempt at digitally drawing two people from a reference and experimenting with various watercolor and ink splatter techniques. Comments and critique always welcome. ♡♡♡
My latest illustration created for an illustration technique demo video. Oil drawing transfer technique. Watercolor resists the oil drawing on the paper. Sometimes oil and water do mix.
I started this with the Doodle Addicts Pre/post quarantine diptych drawing challenge in mind, but I didn't make the deadline (I started it on the day of the deadline, so it was a little ambitious!). The first half of the drawing represents before the corona virus and the second half is after the virus and kind of living with it. No pencil, just straight into the drawing with ink. It's rough, but I like how it turned out and there are some fun characters.
Playing with colored pencils this week. This is very loosely based on a photo....changed hair, eyes, and skin tones to suit my mood. Vintage Conte a Paris Criterium, Prismacolor Verithin, and Tombow Irojiten pencils.
Homegrown elephant garlic drawing done in graphite pencil (H and HB). I enjoy drawing little roots and entanglements---following each one to its logical conclusion. A little OCD, I know.
The Seasons. Acrylic Gouache on Wood Skateboard Deck. 7.75” x 32”
Almost finished! I’ll be donating this hand-painted skateboard deck to support the Kansas City Artists Coalition’s 37th Annual Benefit Art Auction taking place on February 29, 2020.
This is an extension of my steam of consciousness sketchbook practice. Having fun!