Whenever I think of tags and/or labels for people, be it things like ‘gammons’ or ‘snowflakes’ et al, narrowing it down to a single person who represents that group is always running a fool’s errand in my opinion.
In folklore, a will-o'-the-wisp, will-o'-wisp or ignis fatuus, is an atmospheric ghost light seen by travelers at night, especially over bogs, swamps or marshes. --Wikipedia
11” x 17” Original ink and watercolor painting on Arches 140# hotpress watercolor paper.
Signed by the artist. Unframed.
NIghtly BIC ballpoint pen doodles while watching the news. These are drawn on light weight construction paper. The reference drawings are from the book Humans of NY.
I like this guy! Illustrated portrait resulting from my illustration printmaking techniques demo video. Inked up a piece of plexiglass and had some fun. Monoprint (or is it a monotype) + Adobe Fresco for the color finish.
Yesterday, I was drawing during the Metropolitan Opera's daily streaming. My husband, Mike came by and looked dumbfounded. "Samson and Delilah inspired THIS subject matter?" Walked off shaking his head. We have a good laugh!
I've been playing with gesture drawing of humans and animals. Here are some quick pencil sketches of horses in motiion. 2B and 6B pencils on Canson sketch pad paper.
We had our yearly meeting (via Skype this year, rather than in person) with our financial adviser. It was an hour spent drawing this giraffe during the call. She's referenced from an on-line photo.
Drawings I made for a commission of the five stages of the Walking Wall installation by Andy Goldsworthy at the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art in Kansas City. What an inspiring journey to walk and watch it move.
Adobe just released a new drawing and painting app Fresco for the iPad. Here are few experimental images. I have to say I am impressed with the natural media brushes and the interface.
I have been lucky enough to have the opportunity to paint a design on a rather large gorilla! I am so excited to do this. It's taking an age but getting there slowly. When he's all done he will be going on show at Paignton Zoo.