New sketchbook time again? That it is. Credit to one of my workmates for inspiring the title here, hehehehe. It's been a busy few days here at Bleu HQ... '^^ :-)
Words of wisdom that a friend came out with during a Lord Of The Rings Extended Editions film night over the weekend jumpstarted my creative juices this time around. :-)
Kept myself occupied during a quiet day at work earlier by getting a head-start on things here, and my word it was quiet! Well...ish (towards the end that is).
Figured I’d try my hand at something fan art flavoured for this one… namely in the form of my favourite tiny fictional character, Kirby!
I can’t ascertain when exactly I became a fan of the Kirby franchise, although playing Super Smash Bros as a young boy may have something to do with that.
Whatever the case, I got hooked on the pink (or blue in some cases) puffball very quickly!
Taking a break from photo editing to get creative in other areas...
Over the Beltane weekend, my girlfriend and I watched the British dub of Urusei Yatsura over on YouTube. Yes, I assure anyone not aware, such a thing exists and my word is it hilarious (but not for the easily offended! Oh and while, I'm here, may the 4th be with you :-)