More old paper art I created when I was 17. "Gresaltz,a very dangerous but intelligent nurgal demon almost goblin-like.he goes to the mortal world to collect souls for his master along with Gron and Gritz"
Orkinia Nord-Spawn as she waits at the eternal bus stop. Chubby One by her side. Just waiting for something. Chilling. Let life happen as it will, you won't have a enough strength to stop it. Just let it be. Meanwhile, you do what you want, with the people you love. And whatever happens, you'll be together. Happy.
We are Untitled Heroes!
Something warm coloured for the incoming spring. Also befitting of the feelings a lot of folks in my life (and myself included) seem to be feeling right now! Much cobweb detangling figuratively speaking this month past, that much is true...
This is my first attempt at doodling some trees and it most certainly was not an easy task. I hope as I practice that I will be able to draw more detail and a variety of trees. Special thanks to Jean Garro (@Gentoo201) for the inspiration with her awesome drawings! ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ♥♥ Thanks girl!
A tiny 'Thumbodies' gal! She enjoys crafting with objects found in nature and likes making delicious herbal tea blends. Online comic & doodles @