A doodle in the series "Spot the Tennis Ball Doodle" I did years ago. There are many story in this drawing. One thing makes me love doodling the best is you can put so many stories within a single canvas. I love stories, I love telling as much.
The main story I want to tell here in this picture is the loving CARROT fox. He just desperately want to have carrot for meals but only the Hares, Rabbits grow them. And they doesn't like foxes. But lucky for him, somehow, he find a friend who can help him with that, a HARE friend. The friendship of two is beautiful. Hm, you know, just one of the normal days, the Fox wait for the Hare to carry for him a carrot. The waiting was long and Fox just couldn't stay still. But the Hare came finally, and the Fox was so happy, he JUMP!
Children adorn our lives. They’re so innocent, carefree, and open to the world! They are not burdened by adult problems... If only we could be kids again!