While on my drive home, at each red light, I drew in my sketchbook without looking. All shapes and things were from things I was seeing as I drove home. I then colored it in.
Essentially what this "Secret Sketchbook" project is, is a sketchbook that I use for my Patreon, that I make doodles in for my patrons, then once I have enough pages, I make it into a zine! I'm currently in the process of getting the very first secret sketchbook printed now, and starting on the second one which will be more exclusive until it's complete!
Abstract Ink doodle and background on Yupo paper, using pinks, purples and blues. Apparently this year's colour is Ultraviolet! Design available as stickers, clothing, prints and decor.
My husband has a chronic illness and frequently spends weeks in the hospital. I have been doodling each day while sitting with him and many of them reflect my thoughts at the time. Often appearing are desperation, hope, frustration, sarcasm, fear.
These masters of leaf-like camouflage can be found throughout Southeast Asia, with some of the biodiversity hotspots being Indonesia, Malaysia, and Papua New Guinea . This is Nanophyllium suzukii watercolor painting, I like so much this technique. More like this on: https://www.instagram.com/camilojulianc/
This comic came out of a conversation I’m having with a friend. We both found it fascinating that so many comedians and creatives come from broken and dark places. Robin Williams said, “I think the saddest people always try their hardest to make people happy because they know what it’s like to feel absolutely worthless and they don’t want anyone else to feel like that.”