He dies with the honor of his ancestors, among the trees, not strung up on a dead one like his brothers or forced to work like a slave as his sisters. He dies a proud alf. His are the kin of the trees. The others that live on in the cities are traitors! Their blood is poison now. He takes as many knights as he can. Tonight the Elvin folks perish.And so ... Goodknight
I am Medusa. Once I was a beautiful woman. The god of the sea raped me and the virgin goddess punished me by turning me to half-animal. I found seclusion and solace at the edge of the world on mount Atlas where I lived among my kind. But the revenge of the righteous knows no pity so they sent one of their heros after me. The man killed me the half-woman to establish his glory and he took my head with him. Because in the world of the gods you are either animal or man, but nothing inbetween.
Nitescape. The mysterious going city across the great ocean, far away from Nornwan and far forgotten, but they have not forgotten. They still have hints of the old world in their dome of cyber charged pessimism. Older painting, for a Nitescape cyberpunk project, the following link is to my friend's bizarre video adventure that takes place sometime in the dark and dreary city of Nitescape!
PLaying in the studio with watercolour paints and inks - created a planetarium of textural ideas - had great fun doing this and now plan to use some these effects in my next piece.