Doodles on a small plate
doodles on a small plate
#trump #pusa
Well a hand works just as well as paper
Birds of Paradise
Selfie Art Panel for Poetry in Motion Dance Studio. Acrylic on Coroplast Panel 4' x 4'
Merry Christmas guys
Pikachu Santa wishes everyone a Merry Christmas. Keep on doodling and expressing your artistic freedom!
Green chicken on Christmas ornament
This doodled box got featured on Cloth Paper Scissors' Zen Doodle Workshop.
Q: What would EARTH be without ART? A: It's just "EH".
Queen Sabra
I bet there is no other backpack in the world with the same design as this girl's. It is a truly unique backpack with a unique doodle.
Expressing their creativity on an erasable backpack
A young San Jose Sharks fan showed his support
Love to make doodles everywhere! I share a photo of a mural made live in La Ronda, Quito-Ecuador to remind something very simple: You just have to breath. Follow my instagram account:
Pikachu caught in the wild.
In honor of No Bullying week
A tomato portraying... the "Behelit" from the dark world of manga/anime series Berserk. #froodle
Doodle jewel box -2
Doodle jewel box -1
Spray paint, marker, and ink on wood cutout