"Girl & Death". What started out as two separate pieces for Upfest in Bristol, slowly merged into one collaborative painting. On the left my part, on the right the artwork by Luke Gray (http://lukegray.net)
INEXPLORE - collaborative work with my friend Guillaume (MUTT) Original drawing mixed & paste on this huge wall for an exhibition that was held in Paris. More pictures on my website (nicolasfarade.com)
The cardboard sleeve in which my year 12 mathematics textbook lives, not sure if the teacher knows it's there, no cardboard cover goes unscathed not while there's a pen in my hand and a song in my heart.... the hills are aliiivve with the sound of muuus
Garbage can: I wanted to try out my 'Secret Shoppers' doodle on a soft surface before I tried it on canvas, and I found a garbage can in our garage that worked okay