Custom shoes - colored
Custom converse shoes
Also not hand drawn lettering
Doodles with with flower
"Darkness my old friend..." Quick Ink Painting on a gate - with help from my friend David Schermann (
Ganesha mandala with crystals
Zen Tangle doodles on Barn Quilt design; using acrylic paints, acrylic markers, sharpies and imagination.
Repurposing my roomate's junk mail over breakfast.
A tree on a napkin from recycled paper, that helped save trees.
Flower of life mandala on canvass
Floating on wood plank-
Doodling on stones. These little pebbles were left in various places around my village for random people to find.
Doodling on stones
Doodling on stones.
mini archival print of my ORiGiNAL mixed media collage (preserved under glass, as a pendant) "We Are, Each of Us, Angels...." with gratitude to the universe. xoxo
doodle on box.
Mandala painted on rock.
Painted on rocks
Heart chakra colour mandala
Collage work
An illustration on conceptual tables for an exhibition last summer at "primitive" gallery in TLV