The first two doodles, the Huckleberry Hound and the social media dog are already on here. But I had more space on the paper, and decided to draw a bunch of dalmatian dogs after seeing "101 Dalmatian Street" on Disney XD, and my 1930's rubber hose dog Dipsy Diddle, whom I've done quite a bit of drawings of.
I feel lop eared dogs are so cute these days. And I realized my dog got a lot of ribbons from his groomer (She give my dog a lovely ribbon every time we go and I really like it so keep them). Then, I drew this. I want one more dog or a cat...
In time for the holidays, Gfox,Kixxy Kittles Brandon Bunny,Stripes the Dog and Kippie the dalmatian kitten enjoy some yummy candy canes. The holidays are sweeter with friends. :3
Quick, random Halloween themed doodle that features a bunch of wacky animals being carried by a candy corn shirt wearing dog. Well, not all of them. (the bird and bug're flying)
Every now and then, I do an homage to "Spy vs Spy" with a little something called "Dog vs Dog". It's a small short comic strip like series, that involves 2 dogs. One red, the other blue going at each others throats using various,violent' slapstick gags.
Just looking at these furry buddies will let your body release all the oxytocin that your body needs to make your day a whole lot better! Even though science tells us that dogs can only make their faces appear to smile. But we know better, they do smile at us especially when we have a lot going on in our lives