The Glatisant the or barking animal is of the mythical world of King Arthur. It sounds like a 100 dogs are in its belly and only gets quiet while it drinks.
Mix out of lion, deer, leopard and snake. English creatures really like to mix in deer...
I am delighted to share that I Am a Dragon! has been named to the Pennsylvania Center for the Book's 2024 Baker's Dozen: Thirteen Best Books for Family Literacy!
Here is the list
( I am in such a good company!):
- “10 Dogs” by Emily Gravett
- “ABC and You and Me” by Corinna Luyken
- “Bear with Me” illustrated by Kerascoët, Sebastien Cosset and Marie Pommepuy,
- “The Concrete Garden” by Bob Graham
- “How to Count to ONE (And Don't Even THINK About Bigger Numbers!)” by Caspar Salmon and illustrated by Matt Hunt
- “I Am a Dragon! A Squabble and a Quibble” by Sabina Hahn, published by HarperCollins.
- “If I Was a Horse” by Sophie Blackall
- “The Kitten Story” by Emily Jenkins and illustrated by Brittany Cicchese
- “Mr. S” by Monica Arnaldo
- “Night in the City” by Julie Downing
- “Ruffles and the Cozy, Cozy Bed” by David Melling
- “Simon and the Better Bone” by Corey R. Tabor
- “You Go First” by Ariel Bernstein and illustrated by Marc Rosenthal
(Gel Fineliner on A5 paper) One of the age-old responses from dog-owners: “He won't bite you” along with “He's good with children.”
He's a dog, and like all dogs, they're bred from wolves. Given half the chance they'd revert back to their natural pack instinct. The only reason they don't is that they see you as the pack leader who regularly feeds and pampers them.
“Oh, my little darling isn't like that!” I hear you say, as if you're talking about a child. “He gives me kisses by licking my face. It's his way of saying how much he loves me.”
He licks his balls and arsehole with that tongue, so what's he really saying there?
Another one of my favorite words. And incidentally, I am so good at drawing dogs. Dismally good.
This is my uncles young blood hound. Her name is Rusty Rolls. She actually looks nothing like a typical bloodhound. She is a shiny rusty color with white paws and a few other white markings. She was the only one in her litter that looks this was and one of the most unique dogs i’ve ever seen
The dog who I saw in Koh Rong Island, Cambodia. He was looking in a restaurant with sparkle eyes. I'm sure he realized something smelled good and was looking for someone who give him that
I’m disappointed or broken my heart because of that sometimes. But that’s why the world is colorful and beautiful. So I’ll leave things I can’t understand and just love what i love and who I love.
Have you ever woken up from begging "I wanna pee-pee" whimpering closely to your ear? Or from a barking alarm because the birds are singing loudly outside? Yea-ah, dogs are the best alarm clocks... We're sure you'll have a woof-derful week, guys!