I am never short on funny stories or situations with my offspring. I thought I would try to illustrate them.
now I have started to get used to drawing my favorite characters from DC comics
6 foods (or drinks) to make you less #dizzy 24//31 days, #Inktober 2019. Daily drawing #660
Ink and alcohol marker illustration of a sorceress casting a spell
Spawn drawn with pastel colors
Wild then / Wild now #wild 16/31 days, #Inktober 2019. Daily drawing #655
Baba Yaga from my future webcomic, The Hair Rope. And for once, she is not going to be the antagonist. Much. Inktober 15 légende Baba Yaga pour mon futur webcomic: la Corde de Cheveux. Et pour une fois, ce ne sera pas la méchante. Pas trop.
Missed two inktober, but I'll see later if I try to make up for these.So here is my animated mandrake root, Lady Mady from my webcomic Here be Voodoo.
I’d like to take a #swing at… Swing 9/31 days, #Inktober 2019 Daily drawing #648
Modest Mouse - Life Like Weeds
This year's Inktober will be based on favourite bands, songs, lyrics etc. Day 1 starts with "TheDø", song "A mess like this".
A job done for a script test