Prepare to meet thy maker! A test of a 3D model I made, into the art package with a bit of editing. I've been thinking about making a digital comic in this style...
I'm currently working on a digital comic and this is one of the main characters. Her name is Akiko she is gifted with the ability to use magic that few have, shes a huge flirt and very vain in her appearance. Simple Concept art for her.
I seen Mr Phil LaMarr wearing a shirt like this, baseball logo parody, it was Luke Skywalker and a probe droid. So, i made this. I think its funny if a little juvenile. Samurai Jack is AWESOME! that show as my thing back in the day.
Concept illustration for my ongoing personal project, a graphic novel entitled “Oneironauts”. It follows the misadventures of Corvidhir and his two unlikely companions as they navigate the bridge between reality and the dream world.
Heh just a quick photo of a comic page I was working on- it's for my own personal project and stories. Also first attempt at drawing that guys design... Like I always had the idea and concept, but I never finished it on paper before. - I work I really gotta be careful to not mess up much lol