Salut ... je suis nouveau ici. Je me nomme Elimane et j'ai 20 ans. J'aime beaucoup l'art et j'essaie d'apprendre au maximum. Je suis surtout super fan de bande dessinée, mangas et autres. J'ai longtemps cherché à faire partie d'une communauté d'artistes mais en vain. J'espère pouvoir m'intégrer à cette communauté et y rencontrer plein de personnes intéressantes.
When I grew up, I found that most of the time I was a supporting role in this world. Then at least in my own world, I'm still me, I'm my own superhero.
I don't mess with oceans. One time, I just wanted to cool off on the edge. The undertow was so strong that I got trapped, knee-deep from the shore. Nothing I could do but just wait for the giant wave to pile-drive me into the beach. So much sand crack.
A portrait of Venom from Marvel Comics I made as a commission example.
I did this in Clip Studio Paint using my own custom brushes.
I worked on this while streaming! You can watch my streams here!
You can follow my tumblr for more artwork, works in progress, and other content.
Living Brian, I mean Brain , is a lesser known, classic Spiderman villain , The Amazing Spider-Man #8
Jan. 1964 . Even the side characters and lesser known villains are cool in Marvel, much unlike DC comics, LOL , and with that , I have started a small war , ....damn...