(2B pencil on A6 card) A parody of the type of advert you'd see in the old comic books. What nasty little child wouldn't want something as wonderful as this?
(2B pencil on a 87mm x 139mm postcard) X-ray specs were an iconic mail order item in comics. It was one of the first things that kids bought that introduced them to the world of dubious adverts. I kept the image here simple, like the original advert.
(2B pencil on a 87mm x 139mm postcard) Sometimes, how-to books were sold in old comic book adverts. These ranged from ventriloquism to hypnosis and promised amazing things when, in reality, they were just little booklets. With this artwork, I chose to depict one that would show you how to build something truly wonderful.
(2B pencil on a 87mm x 139mm postcard) The old comic book adverts used to promise amazing things for cheap prices. Here, I've spoofed that with an advert for a mind probe.
(2B pencil on a 125mm x 75mm notecard) Another juxtaposed artwork that shows an everyday phrase used against a completely out of context comic book frame.
OH SNAP! If you're wondering about the song Timothy was singing a few pages back, it's from the "Ollie & Scoops" episode, Old Crumplecranks. It can be found here. https://youtu.be/GqoFrHoWJJM?si=zr-jqtgMtfrY1Oh6
Jung here. Done 2022 with color pencils on 11x17 bristol. Original art is up for sale $150 (shipping fee will apply) USD email me and open for private commissions as well jungmeister4@yahoo.com ALSO My art book is available to purchase. To purchase my art book hit the link.