This is the first page of my comic I am starting. Hopefully I can upload a couple times a week so that you can see the full story unfold and not have to wait too long. In this page the main character (Olly, who is a witch btw) sees a golden owl.
I'm working on getting a service dog and set up a website, an Instagram, and a fundraiser. This comic was my quick explanation of WHY I need a dog. There's a full color version, the pencil sketch, the inked comic, and a cute sticker of Theo, my service dog.
Back and Front covers from my new comic, FISH. I imagined, sketched, and inked 24 pages in 24 hours for 24 Hour Comics Day. I then colored it, scanned and did the layouts in the following days. Took a week total. Started it Saturday morning nd I sent it off to the printer the following Saturday!
Most recent challenge from my son: recreate the scene in Batman 497 where Bane breaks Batman's back. I revised it to depict Darkseid breaking his Marvel Comics rip-off, Thanos.