This is another little 'Thumbodies' character that I designed during the holidays. He loves taking care of nature and going on outdoor adventures! Online comic & doodles @
(Black biro on a 75mm x 125mm notecard) A juxtaposed image of a comic book type image with an unrelated speech caption. The type of thing you tend to hear from those on their mobile phones on buses.
(2B pencil on a 139mm x 87mm postcard) A single comic book frame can sometimes tell a great story on its own, sometimes differing from the story in the actual comic book. An idea that I used with this frame that I drew.
I was under the gun to zip this one off. Someone at work asked me at the last minute to draw up a quick fun farewell card for a departing employee, and everyone would sign it. I knew the guy loved the comics character The Hulk, so...
This is the sexiest page in an upcoming book I'm printing for Rogue Planet Books. It's a book of comics I did many years ago. I'm a bit embarrassed by some of it, but the drawings were great.
Ok. The "comic cartoon" featuring Mugman's over. So, even though It's going to be over soon, I will be uploading "Drawtober23'" from Deviant Art. First up; Spooky. A spooky monster.
OMG! This is one of my favorite panels. Mainly cause of the top panel, and the funny look Mugman and Percy gave Saltbaker after he screamed like a girl/woman XD.
Looks like Mugman's not Timothy's only victims in this monstrous musical number. There's a reference to an old "Mickey Mouse " cartoon on this page. Can you guess which short? ;)
Take note that the "chalice" that had the eye pop out isn't Ms.Chalice. And the giant eyeball's Mugman, cause it freaked him out badly. And is from this episode of "The Shnookums & Meat Funny Cartoon Show", "Night of the Living Shnookums." It can be found here.