In a 1977 interview, he described his morning routine:
I'm up at six in the morning. I walk around the house, open sindows, poke around boxes. move books from here to there. For years I've been trying to make myself a decent cup if coffee, but it's not one of my specialties. I go downstairs, outside as soon as possible. By seven I'm on the telephone.
- Daily rituals by Mason Curry.
#inktober #masonCurry #federicofellini #dailyritual
My mum and i call him morise. (His real name is moritz). he made us delicious tea and coffee in his artstudio. we talked, painted and i drew alot at his place. he turned into family. when i heard that he passed away, i couldnt pick up a paintingbrush, acrylics or watercolours because it reminded me so much of him. now, for this drawing i started to experiment with watercolours again and added it in the drawing. honestly, i cried during the process of painting but i am proud that i dared to use it. i enjoyed to experiment.
thank you so much for reading, wish you a wonderful day !
Situational awareness is important these days. Pre-pandemic, I sometimes take my doodles to coffee shops during my lunch breaks and relax for half an hour or so by mindlessly scribbling/shading with my Bic pen. People usually leave me alone but this drawing made me realise that not everyone wants to see a man drawing a naked man. A few people took exception to my subjects’ lack of clothing and made their displeasure known by telling me. Suffice to say, I try not to go into coffee shops anymore while working on subject matter that might offend anyone. Bic4 Ballpoint Pen on 9” x 12” Archival paper. Model: Malik_E