The Good Shephard. I finally colored it in, added grass and clouds and stuff. Originally inspired by a picture I saw at my grandparents house. If we feel like a little black sheep at times just remember that Jesus will leave the 99 to go in search of us, no matter what our sins may be. Divine Pastor, Good Shephard Jesus, have mercy on us! ^_^ #goodshepard, #Jesus, #God, #Christian, #Catholic, #Sheep, #Pastor, #Divine, #Human, #Pasture, #Search, #Mercy,
OCs for Starry depths. Originally we’re more then friends so this is like a back story, all I could think of when I was drawing was that song that goes “sittin on the dock of the bay, watching the clouds roll away.” I think it’s by Otis Redding. I’m not sure. But anyway. Ingrid and her now-friend Abigail.
This was a pintrest try , based on a cute little robot guy on a swing in the sky... so i made this, i even kept the little robot, he's a toy in the hands of Chubbs
It was the first time I tried using a Fabriano 200 gsm cold pressed watercolor paper. And I had learned different techniques in watercolors through the process of creating this painting. It was also fun painting the waves. Thank you, Maria Raczynska.
This captivating ink drawing features a fantasy character standing still, deeply rooted to the earth and seamlessly merged with nature. Surrounded by a complex web of trees and plants, the figure embodies the essence of the natural world. In the background, a mesmerizing sunset casts a warm glow over abstract waves of clouds, creating a harmonious blend of light and shadow. This artwork symbolizes the profound connection between humanity and the environment, inviting viewers to reflect on the beauty of nature.
A character concept drawing of a pirate vampire character I created for a collab writing project that died. His clothing and even his hair borrowed aspects from various jelly fish as inspiration. " The snap of inky sails catching the wind punctuated the subtle wooden creaks of the Sea Nettle as it slid over glossy black waves. The night was oppressive. With the moon obscured by clouds, the ship, with its doused lamps and its dark wood was nearly invisible as she crept closer to her prize. Tallis stood on the forecastle, one foot propped against the railing, his hands supporting a spyglass. He drifted the lens between the lights below deck, counting each of them and making note of any movement on the upper deck and in the rigging. A single sailor was at the helm. Another was lazily standing beside him, possibly engaged in conversation that distracted him from his watch. This was to be expected, not many would dare to disturb such a well-equipped vessel of the Luthen royal fleet. Nettie's crew was lesser in numbers, but they were experts in what few on the high seas could manage. Tonight, would be a quiet strike. Open combat spelled unnecessary danger for his crew."
This painting illustrates a man who finds safety from drowning in a stormy sea by
climbing on to a platform in shape of a cross.
The storm itself represents the trial we face in life. The shipwrecked person shows that
we have nothing we can approach God with that would sway Him to help us when we
call on Him for help.
Only out of grace and mercy does He rescue us. The platform in the shape of the cross
represents that God has provided a way for man to escape punishment for his sins,
which would have been casting him into the lake of fire after death.
Through God’s love and mercy, He punished Jesus for man’s sin; the guiltless Son of
God was punished so that the guilty sinful humans could be saved through faith.
The step represents man’s need to come to God humbly through Jesus to receive anything from God. The light breaking through the clouds represents God hearing the
man’s prayer and answering it.
(October 28, 2017)
Had an unfinished doodle of green trees sitting in my Procreate Gallery when I was asked to submit a Christmas card to our draw group. Some quick modifications to the green trees and the result.