#artdavidmeehan : WhatsApp: 00351 969 534 520 / meehan99@gmail.com / https://www.facebook.com/artdavidmeehan/ + #FUCorona2020 = bringing 2getherness while we have to stay apart from each other at least physically... Peace, love, hugs - but only spiritual 1s 4 now!! #corona #jokes #covid19 #cartoon #cartoons https://www.facebook.com/groups/fucorona2020/
I really like sketching. Many of the sketches are really good - funny, cute, or just for my universe. But I never posted them, believing that only full-fledged completed works are worthy of social networks. Today I drew this sad and sweet canvas at the same time. I think it's not very easy to understand what kind of characters are depicted and what kind of situation they are in.. Therefore, I decided to start translating my sketch comics into English and upload them to a special gallery on DA. What about this particular canvas?.. well.. That's how I feel. And I really love my characters... Sometimes I transfer my emotions to them. Thanks for reading!
Sometimes, on the pathway to success, we will meet obstacles. Before we can reach our destination, we often have an ocean of things to overcome. We'd have walls to break down, oceans we have to swim over. This illustration is to remind everyone that no matter what obstacles we will meet, never lose heart and faith in the things you love.
In a trip to Colombia a saw the most adorable and cool Llama ever!!! So I decided to draw it.... I hope you like it and I look Forward to your comments! :D