This is an adorable picture of a panda giving another panda a giant bouquet of flowers. The drawing was sketched with pencil, outlined with glitter pens, and mostly filled in with brush pens. Some details were filled in with the glitter pens also. Getting the flowers to look nice was not easy, but I think I just got away with it. Hope you enjoy the cute pair.
So some of you may be thinking.. But what does Link look like in his developing cartoony style? Well here he is! If you don't know Link, the Hero of Courage, is from a game called the Legend of Zelda. Usually on my home visit I will play as Toon Link with my friends and family when we play Super Smash Brothers. Superfun! ^_^
#Link, #Zelda, #LegendofZelda, #TwilightPrincess, #ToonLink, #Cartoon, #Sketch, #marker, #Pencil, #Legend of Zelda, #SuperSmashBros, #Nintendo
Brush with black ink and white acrylic paint on 9” X 12” acid free Strathmore Bristol smooth surface paper. The Image dimensions are about 5 1/2” X 8 ½. Signed and dated.
(The black ink was used for the character as well as for the background. The acrylic painting was used only for the small shapes in the background)
This is just a little turtle i scribbled. Apparently a lot of turtle owners actually tie balloons to their slow little friends to allow them to wander the house without getting lost. Tell me what you guys think! ....I would greatly appreciate any feedback on my art, comments, tips, etc.
With the new Beetlejuice sequel coming out I decided to dig for some more of my old fanart of the cartoon. Made these designs of what Otho and the Maitlands could look like if they actually were represented in the animated universe!
Creep illustration of the girl and her stranger soul. I have drawn it with mixed media techniques, traditional and digital. You can check my art product here :