NNick Seluk, a cartoonist, authored and illustrated The Awkward Yeti and all of its work. He is well-known for creating the New York Times Bestselling series: Heart and Brain.
This is a digital drawing of four random characters. The two on the left were totally spontaneous -- meaning they didn't exist until this picture was drawn. Buddy (on the right bottom corner) is one of my recent creations and he's developed into a very loveable character. Ninjo, I've actually known for a long time. She's a crazy gal -- always chopping stuff and crashing through ceilings. Come to think of it.. she's not really like a ninja at all..!
The whole purpose of this drawing was to showcase my skill areas. I'm skilled in people (both male and female), animals, and even inanimate objects.
I started this last night during my ArtShare on my Discord. At first, he looked like a generic wolf character, but then I got silly and decided to redraw him as a tiger, which added like 3 hours, since I'd never drawn a realistic tiger head. I also didn't use a reference for the snake, so I understand if it's not quite right. I will upload a version with dark shadows soon. I began drawing this in response to watching the title sequence to an 80's cartoon, "The Get Along Gang." Do with that information what you will :D.
Just decided to draw this girl with slime as hair.
My original character :)
Hope yall like it.
I'll continue drawing other artwork with her in it in the future.
This piece is the product of a self appointed challenge to learn to cover the page and draw in detail. It’s exciting to create something that might take a moment to look at.