I got sick, it's hard to draw...
there are no ideas, so only Too-tiсky (i still love moomins brbrbrbr)
Honestly, the art is pretty weak for my bar.. I kind of like which way my painting is moving, but my recent works has been distinguished by attention to the background or inscriptions... A simple filll somehow already seems to me flawed in MY work.. At the same time, in other people's drawings i even love it... As we say in my country, everything brilliant is simple...
I don't know why I'm messing around in vain... Well, let's put it down to the fact that I'm especially physically unwell today
My right brain says “huge and kisses her right now, dude !”..but, my left brain says “don't do that! are you crazy?” “Oh my god…What happen here…” my heart was confused and asked me to bring myself back! You are not a real girl. you can buy my art print if you like it, on : https://www.redbubble.com/i/t-shirt/The-problem-of-the-artist-by-misahiraysa/118704924.NL9AC
Well I belong to the food capital of Madhya Pradesh - Indore..indore is well known for its variety of food and culture..Here is a doddle for food lovers .
Thought I'd upload a closer look of my pfp lol, basically it's just an odd coloured dog with my favourite colours: pink and brown. With a fallout boy (big fan sksks) earring added to the mix.
ANOTHER fox design, his name is Blue. Not so proud of this one, as the snout looks quite bulky (for a fox) and the eye is shaded awkwardly. But, you learn from your mistakes. :)
Day 11 Eagle
I immediately thought of birdgirl from @adultswim when i heard this word i was really surprised when the show got a second season b/c adultswim tends to have one season or half season shows on its network.
This is an adorable picture of a panda giving another panda a giant bouquet of flowers. The drawing was sketched with pencil, outlined with glitter pens, and mostly filled in with brush pens. Some details were filled in with the glitter pens also. Getting the flowers to look nice was not easy, but I think I just got away with it. Hope you enjoy the cute pair.