This is another little 'Thumbodies' character that I designed during the holidays. He loves taking care of nature and going on outdoor adventures! Online comic & doodles @
Ten days back (April 7th) was my 30th birthday! Been up to my eyeballs in photography projects since then and only just got some breathing space to draw... always good to be back after a break, however big or small.
I've always loved drawing on various objects! This coffee-lid is from several years ago but I still love it and have it hanging on the bulletin board near my art desk.
Winter strikes Stoke Newington and the scarves come out along Church Street. Pops of colour and man's best friend help get us through the most trying of seasons
When it comes to painting and art, this is my crises! What am I doing? What am I trying to say? What is the purpose of this painting? Small 4 x 4 inch acrylic painting on masonite board
A little 4x6 painting study to start the day off. “The Grizzly Guide” gives these ‘Mallows a ride through the creepy forest in the dead of night. Check out the time lapse video on my Instagram page.
Two cartoon fries containers are smiling, with one of them saying, "Fries before guys!!". The colorful and playful design adds a humorous and light-hearted message.
The second page of Steel Cloud has our heroes, Hardball and Riley with their band going on the road to perform. Little do they know they're going to have some trouble.
Often times my work is more about a conversation with my anxieties. I have a deep, conflicting relationship with concepts of existentialism. The following works reflect abstract ideas that I simply don’t have words for.