On May I created him,I named this little lad "Mevlon" I'm still working on redesigning his outfit (I'll get rid of the sweater vest lol) I'm not too keen on drawing my OC's on paper but I guess it came out half decent?
New Ghost OC I came up with!
His appearance may scare most ghosts but he means no harm since he is a huge trickster and also tickles ghosts without their permission
He measures approximately 7'4
These guys get a bad rap but they're just trying to help! This is my entry for the Kula Cloth design contest. A Kula Cloth is an a pee cloth for anybody that squats when they pee. Perfect for LNT hiking and camping!
The Nornwan: World Of Wonder series has always had Adventure Time at its inspired heart. I just figured I'd finally make this and practice a little imitation of one of my favorite art styles, tell you the truth, I used to hate Adventure Time, I used to think it was too simple, and even dumb, but after a few years and a little convincing, I got into it. And I've had a happier life ever since. Thank you.
Orkinia Nord-Spawn as she waits at the eternal bus stop. Chubby One by her side. Just waiting for something. Chilling. Let life happen as it will, you won't have a enough strength to stop it. Just let it be. Meanwhile, you do what you want, with the people you love. And whatever happens, you'll be together. Happy.
We are Untitled Heroes!
decided to redesign her a little,she's a tad darker now,her face is oval with a square-ish chin while her sister's face shape is circular and very round,she's not as stick thin as before and lastly,her eyes.ive come to realize that you don't need big eyes to be expressive,the big eyes did not really fit her,so i made them smaller which i really like since she still looks like herself.this will be a reference sheet that I might never finish.
started out as a pintrest try, I think it looks nice overall . There have been many Nature Spawn in the realm of Wonder . Only ever one at a time. The Nature Spawn always protects the Faere Forests .
The Nature Spawn is documented to appear as an alf or tree creature when it takes a physical form. https://www.deviantart.com/untitledhero700/art/Nature-Spawn-Form-Long-Past-851487515
This is the sexiest page in an upcoming book I'm printing for Rogue Planet Books. It's a book of comics I did many years ago. I'm a bit embarrassed by some of it, but the drawings were great.
His name in German literally means the ice cream man.he is a giant snow clown who lives in the icy mountains of Dulcelandia.he is one of the first enemies Sweetnette and Cotton Fluffe encounter.he grabs them with his hands.he has stretchy powers.he can also summon snow monsters as he pleases.they defeat him by fireballs via their wands he and his monsters melt away.quickly the princess and the prince escape.he is able to regenerate since he is immortal.he is a 60 foot snow giant and he is maniacal yet clever at the same time.
Link for Lore Video about it :; and while you are there, please watch the cartoon too! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8q2NRKma2Vo&list=PLg2kpnoxhhsubB8mYMpjyi5jFV98mOAGf&index=10