After the initial excitement of circling the pictures of a cow and rabbit, Peter and his friends realized it was going to be a long game of Bingo on this desert highway
Here's my Coffee & Quotes Challenge... with the sleeve removed ;) I thought it would be fun to continue the doodle underneath the sleeve! To see submitted version, check out my 'Drawing Challenges'... this contest has been awesome, it combined 2 of my faves: DOODLES & COFFEE!
It's National Toasted Marshmallow Day so this painting seems fitting. What do you think will happen to this guy? About 14 x 14 inches, acrylic on wood board. Sorry not the best photograph.
I loved this design! I been re-watching Samurai Jack, in backwards order from season 4 to 1 . they needed to use this design more, but alas, they are only in one episode, but here we are, enjoy! I highly recommend to anyone and everyone, it is one of the greatest animated masterpieces of American cartoons!