I have been drawing eyes lately. I found a pair of eyes to practice drawing from deviantart. IDK why, but I feel better going from cartoon eyes to regular realistic eyes. I'm doing more stuff with anatomy now before I go into features again.
Ten days back (April 7th) was my 30th birthday! Been up to my eyeballs in photography projects since then and only just got some breathing space to draw... always good to be back after a break, however big or small.
Fun fact:it's a little cartoon idea of mine,it's definitely not the first but it has a pretty simple plot I will share:it's Al Heyman, living as a parent and as a magician, juggling both with his children.he often gets in shenanigans especially with his friends!but the evil varzar wants his magic to take over the ghost world.his magician outfit is quite difficult to draw due to the rainbows especially the hat.another fun fact is that the ghosts in the ghost world have 80s and 90s technology.ill share more about this in my WordPress account
His name in German literally means the ice cream man.he is a giant snow clown who lives in the icy mountains of Dulcelandia.he is one of the first enemies Sweetnette and Cotton Fluffe encounter.he grabs them with his hands.he has stretchy powers.he can also summon snow monsters as he pleases.they defeat him by fireballs via their wands he and his monsters melt away.quickly the princess and the prince escape.he is able to regenerate since he is immortal.he is a 60 foot snow giant and he is maniacal yet clever at the same time.
He may seem like a mobster but he's a greedy,sleazy, impatient boss.he is the owner of the snazzy bar and Alamea's brother.he has a thick new jersey or Italian accent.he out of all the ghost OC's doesn't have much of a personality although he does become more sympathetic later on.he was reluctant on hiring Al but eventually hired him.their relationship grows steady, Alanzo then becomes fond of Al especially when he found his true talent (being a magician) he has his hair fringes resembling devil horns because most of the time his behavior is devilish.
Forgot to collar her collar gold but I guess black looks good too.she is a very talented,kind hearted, generous blue ghost who is also the co owner of the snazzy bar.she is older than Al (40 years old) and develops feelings for him later on they remain best friends instead.I guess you can say he friend zoned her,despite Al not knowing what being friend zoned is.He does date Ottalie this however does not make Alamea jealous.
I drew this illustration without any expectations. It's not perfect, but I'm happy I created it. And I share it.
Perfectionism destroys your creativity and productivity!