Junicorn - so apparently there's a june art challenge like mermay, its called junicorn...this is my one and only entry, i dont like unicorns nearly as much as mermaids...lol
added my sketches for the drawing this time.
Unaware - i don't think there's a good way to find out you're a robot...but having your skin melt off your arms to reveal a metal skeleton is probably not ideal.
Ice Dream. There’s some strange references going on in this one. If I don’t explain it won’t come together. Back in my day the Europe 72 3 record Dead live album had a crazy kid on the back cover smashing a cone on his head. Later an ice cream truck company called Weaser ripped off that art and would visit my mid Jersey neighborhood daily. Google it if you care. Flash forward to 2019. The ice cream truck that hits my neighborhood EVERY DAYS has a loud obnoxious song and no Greatful Dead connections. It drives me out of my mind so here is the result. I always try to turn my pain into gain. What a long strange explanation it’s been.
Mermay Day 23: Encourage hes like super sure he CAN do it, but maybe he doesn't need to PROVE he can do it... you know. maybe just knowing is enough....
Mermay Day 19: Royal
all hail Ceto of house Humansbane, destroyer of poles, evader of hooks, piercer of nets, mother of all fish-kind, goddess that swims alongside us.
shes holding the scepter of Poseidon and the will of Triton.
they cover the fins of royals because only the gods should see their beauty.
some rumors say that the royal family just has a deformity thats passed on genetically so they cover it up and made the god thing up...who believes rumors though...dead merfolk thats who.