So I wanted to pay tribute to my amazing friends who get me through each and every day. Most of them don’t know I did this, they are more cartoony versions of each person. I love them so much.
This is someone's OC I drew (the design is not mine. No stealing please.) It's also one of my first attempts at drawing a dragon-like creature. This one, I'm pretty proud of. However, I need practice on drawing scales. Getting them to look right is more difficult than I thought. Overall, super happy with this picture. I hope the image makes your day a little more magical.
Well this was more fun than i expected... Initially i just wanted to illustrate an Ox that was a bit of a moron. But as we all know the term Oxymoron also showcases irony. And w that i was off & added 15 extra cartoons. See if u can find them. Here's few that i think might b impossible to decipher from my drawing. A Plastic-Glass, a Dodge Ram & a near Miss.