A little while back I started doing little triptych cartoons, something I could have fun with and zip off pretty quickly. Then I expanded them to four panels when it felt necessary. Some people think too deeply about my little toons and are confused about what's happening. I just tell them to look at it more simply, and not to overthink it. Like this one.
One of dozens of cartoons I created the last couple of years. A little voice is telling me to get these published in a book. If the voice gets louder, it will happen. In the meantime, I'm brainstorming and filling my sketchbook.
The story behind this is that when my little sister and I were kids, we invented a game called Blammer. You duct tape small trashcans to your back and try to slam a sock ball into your opponents basket. We used tennis rackets for defense. We used to terrorize our parents with all the running and yelling in the house. We're in our 30's now and try and play when we see each other. I call her Chicken and she calls me Ducky. Which is why we're are riding birds. One of my favorite pieces I've ever done. A birthday present for her.
My only niece's 1st birthday was a few days ago. I decided to start a tradition of drawing her every year for her birthday as special uncle presents. Here is her first one. Her favorite movie right now is Monsters University
Last trade ( character's author: https://vk.com/bybli4ek778 ).
If translated literally, he says the name of the sheep, which can probably be translated as "loaf". In russian this word ends with the sound "a", so he pulls this sound and gets a joyful "Buhankaaaaaa!"