This was about a year or 2 ago when I started to get into painting with acrylics. I asked my nephew what he likes and this is what I came up with. He loved it!
It's the young little St. Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows! This is who our Brother Gabriel takes his name after. The book is the Passion, he is a Passionist after all. :P Some qoutes: “Our perfection does not consist of doing extraordinary things but to do the ordinary well” “With sin, O Jesus, I gave you the death, but I do not despair of your forgiveness. Those scourges call me, those arms extended invite me, that injured Heart offers me a secure shelter.” “. . . fidelity in little things must be the basic rule in striving for holiness,” St. Gabriel, pray for us! #Catholic, #Christian, #Gabriel, #Saint, #Passion, #Passionists, #Littleness, #Cartoon
I present on this Year of St. Joseph my icon of St. Joseph and the teenager Jesus! I haven't really seen many pics of young Jesus and nothing of St. Joseph with teenager Jesus. So here it is! St. Joseph pray for us! and Young Jesus have mercy on us! ^_^ ( St.Joseph is pointing to Jesus like he's saying "He is all" because Joseph always points us to Jesus) #StJoseph, #Joseph, #Consecration, #Jesus, #Young, #Teenager, #Icon, #Cartoon, #YearOfSaintJoseph
I love the game among us so I wanted to draw the most popular colors that people wear in among us as colors. Two imposters and two crew mates are on my wall because that is all the room I had, lol.
Conjoined imp oc I haven't drawn in years,both of them were originally pink.both of them are very mischievous but deadly.they can stretch their body,warp reality,shapeshift,become big or small and control their "hair" making them powerful foes like no other imps.