Mermay Day 23: Encourage hes like super sure he CAN do it, but maybe he doesn't need to PROVE he can do it... you know. maybe just knowing is enough....
Remember when MTV still had stuff worth watching?
Here's my rendition of Daria Morgendorffer and Jane Lane.
Plus, a little homage to the late Mark E. Smith of the post-punk band The Fall.
Prints for sale @
Decided to draw my babies after a long time. They're characters from a short story/novel I wrote and am planning to adapt to a comic/webtoon. Testing out possible simple coloring styles for when I actually begin paneling.
This is a little cartoon I doodled one day. I have it on some of my stuff on Redbubble, Society6, Zazzle, and Threadless, though it doesn't fit well on everything. If you'd like to see it, here's the link that will lead you to all those sites: