This is the sexiest page in an upcoming book I'm printing for Rogue Planet Books. It's a book of comics I did many years ago. I'm a bit embarrassed by some of it, but the drawings were great.
My black cats Fobbles,Beltza,Ruby and Kixxy (In her black cat disguise) enjoy some ice cream. Well, Fobbles purchased the 13 scooper special. Which comes as quite a shock to the others.
Ok. The "comic cartoon" featuring Mugman's over. So, even though It's going to be over soon, I will be uploading "Drawtober23'" from Deviant Art. First up; Spooky. A spooky monster.
Looks like Mugman's not Timothy's only victims in this monstrous musical number. There's a reference to an old "Mickey Mouse " cartoon on this page. Can you guess which short? ;)
Take note that the "chalice" that had the eye pop out isn't Ms.Chalice. And the giant eyeball's Mugman, cause it freaked him out badly. And is from this episode of "The Shnookums & Meat Funny Cartoon Show", "Night of the Living Shnookums." It can be found here.
While doodling, I was thinking of my characters Dipsy Diddle, Peggy Bark, Chubbsly and Markley and imagined another dog character to the group. Ladies, gents and cartoon lovers alike. Meet Twizzle "Twizzy" the Basset Blood Hound.
I have been drawing eyes lately. I found a pair of eyes to practice drawing from deviantart. IDK why, but I feel better going from cartoon eyes to regular realistic eyes. I'm doing more stuff with anatomy now before I go into features again.
Introducing Princess Sweetnette,an OC I created a while ago last year, heavily inspired by Lady Lovely Locks and Strawberry Shortcake.She's a cotton candy princess who goes to adventures along with her sidekick Prince Cotton Fluffe,her mother is Queen Yelinda ,a green cotton candy queen.her arch nemesis is Princess Sourglum,she is evil and spiteful wanting to take over her kingdom and land alongside is his cunning,sneaky father who often aides her when she needs to.her kingdom is heavily inspired by Candy land as well.she has a talking magical wand named Harty who is always eager to help and always protects 15-Sweetnette from any evil.
Do you ever start doodling an idea out and then get stuck in it for days, then weeks... The older I get the more obsessional I seem to get about following an idea. This week it has been nothing but eyeballs... I think I'm on number 11 now, and to be honest I think it's finally running out of steam, or I'm just running out of ideas on what I can do with an eyeball! So here is part one. Meet Columbo. After this they become a lot weirder...
I have the designs up on TeePublic as stickers, t-shirts and other yums.
This is my hippo which I created to teach my first class the letter N (like Nilpferd). I designed it in procreate and later I drew it on a blackboard in my classroom with chalk.
done with lead pencil 2006 and inked 2010 on 9x12 bristol. Original art $40+s/h I am open for commission using color pencil or lead pencil for original artwork of subject matters such as Sci-fi, Fantasy, Horror, Comics, Fanart, NSFW, Surreal art, Whimsical art, Abstract art, and Tattoo designs. Sizes range from 8.5x11, 9x12, 11x14, 11x17. The Commission rate starts from $20 and up. My artlink and information are in the comments. DM meII am selling my original art. MY CALENDAR ON SALE: