I created this for fun using an app called ProCreate on my iPhone. The character is called Fred Rock and he enjoys taking his shredding skills on all kinds of adventures.
I loved this design! I been re-watching Samurai Jack, in backwards order from season 4 to 1 . they needed to use this design more, but alas, they are only in one episode, but here we are, enjoy! I highly recommend to anyone and everyone, it is one of the greatest animated masterpieces of American cartoons!
started out as a pintrest try, I think it looks nice overall . There have been many Nature Spawn in the realm of Wonder . Only ever one at a time. The Nature Spawn always protects the Faere Forests .
The Nature Spawn is documented to appear as an alf or tree creature when it takes a physical form. https://www.deviantart.com/untitledhero700/art/Nature-Spawn-Form-Long-Past-851487515
Day 18: I have been using an old-style safety razor for about a year now. Changed the blade for the first time and, yowzah, I got cocky with that dull blade.
I love how she is one of my easiest demon characters to draw :/ sadly I can't draw her husband yet due to being muscular and tall (I can't draw muscles with a finger).the reason why I didn't color her was because I'm saving the coloring for a video I am going to upload it another day (nobody watches them but oh well I also have fun making them too :p)
I haven't drawn any of my demon OC's in a while (most of them are really hard to draw)So I made this featuring Spider queen Vlesarais,Gresaltz,Princess Neera Veera,Tenebris lastly Elvarelyn (back of her head only)
Acrylic painting on the Baltic Birch woodblock panel. Inspired by Alice in Wonderland cartoon. Available for purchase on my website - https://www.twocatsandpossum.club/store/cheshire-cat-smile-original-art-book-shelf-sitter