A pop culture icon from the 80's and 90's from Clemence's world,A lot of food,plant and even object people grew up watching him.there is toys,clothes,etc of him.Gladys Gobstopper is a huge fan of him.she even has the theme song as her smartphone ringtone.
AKA Sucrosians . They mainly occupy the Land of Sucrose on the continent of Nornwan . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i8Wfg0Matzg&list=PLg2kpnoxhhsubB8mYMpjyi5jFV98mOAGf&index=6
So I wanted to pay tribute to my amazing friends who get me through each and every day. Most of them don’t know I did this, they are more cartoony versions of each person. I love them so much.
After the initial excitement of circling the pictures of a cow and rabbit, Peter and his friends realized it was going to be a long game of Bingo on this desert highway
One of my favorite cartoon tomboys and my favorite character from Recess.This actually turned out well since I took long coloring (as usual) but i'm still considering switching to Photoshop.Everybody should seriously watch Recess,It's an outstanding,delightfully fun,memorable cartoon with a diverse cast of characters (like Hey Arnold)It deserves more love and praise.
Alright , people, who here remembers a brilliant show by the name of Samurai Jack ? Just me ? C'mon now ! Don't be afraid ! Say it loud and proud ! Samurai Jack is A W E S O M E !